
Stan Brooke - Singles

Aggregate over 3 frames off current handicap. Semis over 2 legs -aggregate over 6 frames. Final ( aggregate over 3 frames) at NSC Date TBC.(Dress code applies final only). Contact details MUST be provided.

CLOSING DATE: Sunday 19th September



Preliminary Fixtures Next Round »

# Team Result v Result Team
A Sunny Kanda (17)
(Moor Allerton Sports and Social Club)
99 v 0 Michael Gaughan (-16)
(Gildersome Conservative Club)
B Chris Freeman (-19)
(Upper & Lower Wortley Lib Club)
111 v 228 Ryan Massey (35)
(Northern Snooker Centre)
C James Croll (14)
(East End Park WMC)
250 v 230 Carl Harkin (18)
(Middleton Conservative Club)
D Ben Smith (15)
(Beechwood WMC)
188 v 150 Kurtis Walker (25)
(Swillington Miners Welfare)
E Luca Crompton (40)
(Harehills Labour Club)
200 v 300 Mark King (14)
(Bramley Band Club)
F Ian Sharp (24)
(Morley Conservative Club)
193 v 204 Robert Lawrence (35)
(Tinshill & Cookridge Club)
G Craig Monaghan (19)
(Crossgates WMC)
231 v 143 Peter O'Connell (49)
(Leeds Deaf Social Club)
H Steven Hirst (-8)
(Belle Isle WMC)
209 v 160 Murray Przybyl (-15)
(Morley WMC and Institute)
I Scott Ward (27)
(Tinshill & Cookridge Club)
89 v 165 Lee Dickinson (6)
(Morley WMC and Institute)
J Dylan Myers (-7)
(New Wortley Labour)
222 v 197 Brian Hussey (25)
(Denison Hall Club)
K Steve Pickering (-7)
(Bramley WMC)
0 v 99 Ryan Walton (-51)
(Denison Hall Club)
L Mark Laycock (26)
(Pudsey Liberal Club)
99 v 0 Harold Oldroyd (40)
(Harehills Labour Club)
M Craig Wood (15)
(Bramley Villagers)
0 v 99 Arran Cooper (31)
(Swillington Miners Welfare)
N Martin Golden (38)
(Tinshill & Cookridge Club)
244 v 173 Wayne Woollin (19)
(Morley WMC and Institute)
O Anthony Bradley (11)
(Denison Hall Club)
168 v 90 Greg Taylor (7)
(Horsforth Conservatives)
P Ian Rayner (-8)
(Rothwell WMC)
160 v 189 Phil Buckle (-2)
(Middleton Conservative Club)
Q Oliver Broome (17)
(New Wortley Labour)
258 v 120 Rob Drummond (6)
(New Wortley Labour)
R Stephen Broadhead (-31)
(Edmund House Club)
253 v 207 Josh Becic (14)
(New Wortley Labour)
S Craig Hazelgrave (22)
(Crossgates Recreation Hall)
132 v 192 David Wright (23)
(Bramley Band Club)
T Paul Burrill (-5)
(Bramley Villagers)
145 v 208 Andy Blamire (-15)
(Guisley Factory Workers Club)
U Dave Millward (24)
(Rowland Road WMC)
202 v 142 Oliver Hudson (8)
(Crossgates Recreation Hall)
V Tony Skinner (18)
(Belle Isle WMC)
0 v 99 Gary Popple (19)
(Upper & Lower Wortley Lib Club)
W Tony Fell (15)
(Belle Isle WMC)
180 v 101 Stuart Ough (-1)
(Belle Isle WMC)
X Mark Aspin (18)
(Middleton Conservative Club)
121 v 294 Andrew Houlker (-25)
(Harehills Liberal Club)
Y Ryan McQuade (17)
(New Wortley Labour)
130 v 153 Vince Roy (36)
(Northern Snooker Centre)
Z Gary Barton (0)
(Belle Isle WMC)
99 v 0 Graham Bluff (27)
(Belle Isle WMC)
AA Tony Massey (-33)
(Northern Snooker Centre)
255 v 260 Craig Hodges (24)
(Belle Isle WMC)
AB Richard Binns (-49)
(Belle Isle WMC)
240 v 320 Steve Reynolds (38)
(Middleton Conservative Club)
AC Darren Johnson (18)
(Bramley Villagers)
162 v 192 Steve Quigley (13)
(Middleton Conservative Club)
AD Tony Barker (0)
(Denison Hall Club)
231 v 196 Adam Winestein (23)
(Bramley WMC)
AE Liam Pullen (-50)
(Northern Snooker Centre)
220 v 167 Winston David (24)
(Chapel Allerton Club)
AF Phil King (29)
(Guisley Factory Workers Club)
0 v 99 Sean Stevens (-8)
(Northern Snooker Centre)
AG Mark Battle (-6)
(Bramley Villagers)
227 v 180 Paul Scholes (18)
(Crossgates WMC)
AH James Pears (-17)
(Barnbow Social Club)
206 v 161 John Mullen (10)
(Rowland Road WMC)
AI Dave Tiffany (40)
(Denison Hall Club)
287 v 249 Josh Lucas (28)
(South Leeds Conservative Club)
AJ Taz Mahmood (17)
(Northern Snooker Centre)
186 v 151 Robert McDowell (19)
(Rowland Road WMC)
AK Ben Olbison (19)
(Edmund House Club)
0 v 99 Darren Hawkins (37)
(Northern Snooker Centre)
AL Thomas Oates (-9)
(Hunslet Carr Sports & Social Club)
107 v 228 Michael Durno (25)
(Leeds Postal Sports Association Club)
AM Danny Dobson (32)
(Belle Isle WMC)
0 v 99 Andy Mitchell (20)
(Leeds Postal Sports Association Club)
AN Damien Gale (-12)
(Northern Snooker Centre)
250 v 249 David Elmy (1)
(Garforth WMC)
AO Graham Audus (43)
(Upper & Lower Wortley Lib Club)
233 v 240 Alan Bennet (40)
(Tinshill & Cookridge Club)
AP Aaron Drummond (14)
(New Wortley Labour)
137 v 192 Mark McGreavy (-3)
(Morley Conservative Club)
AQ Kamran Mann (44)
(Harehills Labour Club)
0 v 99 Connor O'Carroll (22)
(Harehills Liberal Club)
AR Daniel Cowie (10)
(Tinshill & Cookridge Club)
99 v 0 Peter Walker (28)
(Crossgates Recreation Hall)
AS Geoff Smith (47)
(Bramley Band Club)
210 v 250 Daniel Grimes (25)
(Morley WMC and Institute)
AT Gareth Priestley (5)
(Main Line Social Club)
247 v 207 Robert Lawrence (35)
(Tinshill & Cookridge Club)
AU Gavin Godfree (-16)
(Northern Snooker Centre)
245 v 178 Stewart Quinn (19)
(Bramley WMC)
AV Hardeep Sur (14)
(Moor Allerton Sports and Social Club)
216 v 199 Jake Bell (2)
(Swillington Miners Welfare)
AW Dave Sutcliffe (11)
(Harehills WMC)
155 v 207 Sean McLaughlin (30)
(Beechwood WMC)
AX Robert Popple (60)
(Upper & Lower Wortley Lib Club)
273 v 222 Kevin Turner (19)
(Bramley Band Club)
AY Steve Gale (13)
(Middleton Conservative Club)
257 v 307 Pete Raby (-22)
(Northern Snooker Centre)
AZ Darren Connelly (13)
(Harehills Liberal Club)
99 v 0 Darren Binns (6)
(Middleton Conservative Club)
BA Alan Harding (25)
(Harehills WMC)
160 v 152 David Scarlett (31)
(Beechwood WMC)
BB Jonathan Todd (22)
(Northern Snooker Centre)
133 v 143 Gary Hobbs (6)
(Horsforth Conservatives)
BC Michael Collins (-3)
(New Wortley Labour)
189 v 232 Danny Byrne (-10)
(Gildersome Conservative Club)
BD James Ball (8)
(Edmund House Club)
175 v 155 Jordan Wikinson (-3)
(Harehills Labour Club)
BE Craig Townend (31)
(Bramley Villagers)
233 v 296 Steve Tyas (25)
(Crossgates Recreation Hall)
BF John Daniel (32)
(Crossgates WMC)
193 v 257 Ken Mckay (35)
(Denison Hall Club)
BG Charlie McGuigan (36)
(Bramley Band Club)
187 v 238 Martin McGuigan (-4)
(Bramley Band Club)
BH Michael Calvert (21)
(Harehills WMC)
99 v 0 Malkinder Singh (7)
(Moor Allerton Sports and Social Club)
Warren Rushman (-10)
(Leeds Postal Sports Association Club)
- v - BYE  
Paul Sigsworth (38)
(Pudsey Liberal Club)
- v - BYE  
Richard Hagerty (-11)
(Chapel Allerton Club)
- v - BYE  
Lee Hart (22)
(Harehills Labour Club)
- v - BYE  
Raj Rathore (30)
(Moor Allerton Sports and Social Club)
- v - BYE  
John Rea (17)
(East End Park WMC)
- v - BYE  
Joe Linley (53)
(Beechwood WMC)
- v - BYE  
Rob Johnson (19)
(Bramley Villagers)
- v - BYE  
James Sykes (17)
(Morley Conservative Club)
- v - BYE  
Danny Dean (-28)
(Harehills Labour Club)
- v - BYE  
Andy Taffinder (1)
(Morley WMC and Institute)
- v - BYE  
Paul Turner (34)
(Swillington Miners Welfare)
- v - BYE  
Shane Waring (36)
(Belle Isle WMC)
- v - BYE  
Duncan Spence (57)
(Upper & Lower Wortley Lib Club)
- v - BYE  
John Howlett (51)
(Barnbow Social Club)
- v - BYE  
Paul Davies (1)
(Harehills Liberal Club)
- v - BYE  
Jason Hudson (18)
(Crossgates Recreation Hall)
- v - BYE  
Peter Whincup (14)
(Horsforth Conservatives)
- v - BYE  
Gerry Walton (6)
(Denison Hall Club)
- v - BYE  
Simon Hutchinson (19)
(Denison Hall Club)
- v - BYE  
Andy Farrally (24)
(Bramley WMC)
- v - BYE  
Paul Whittaker (16)
(Belle Isle WMC)
- v - BYE  
Vinny Parkin (20)
(Middleton Conservative Club)
- v - BYE  
Michael Sunderland (18)
(Bruntcliffe WMC)
- v - BYE  
Liam Nicholson (-2)
(Rowland Road WMC)
- v - BYE  
Dave McCormack (36)
(New Wortley Labour)
- v - BYE  
Carl Moore (16)
(Rowland Road WMC)
- v - BYE  
David Waring (44)
(Belle Isle WMC)
- v - BYE  
Arron Kerfoot (32)
(Bramley WMC)
- v - BYE  
Joel Smith (27)
(Tinshill & Cookridge Club)
- v - BYE  
Leon Browne (45)
(Rowland Road WMC)
- v - BYE  
Julian Keegan (29)
(Gildersome Conservative Club)
- v - BYE  
Paul Gannon (-9)
(Belle Isle WMC)
- v - BYE  
Andy Hickman (31)
(Crossgates WMC)
- v - BYE  
Paul Grimes (23)
(Morley WMC and Institute)
- v - BYE  
Mark Smith (38)
(Garforth WMC)
- v - BYE  
Darren Rogers (-5)
(Morley WMC and Institute)
- v - BYE  
Darron Smith (3)
(Leeds Anglers Club Leeds)
- v - BYE  
Mark Sims (21)
(Pudsey Liberal Club)
- v - BYE  
Mick Crowther (60)
(Bruntcliffe WMC)
- v - BYE  
Daz Hughes (9)
(Harehills WMC)
- v - BYE  
Graham Marsden (-8)
(Middleton Conservative Club)
- v - BYE  
Lee Wilson (50)
(Harehills Labour Club)
- v - BYE  
Adam Rennison (-24)
(Harehills Labour Club)
- v - BYE  
Anthony Sumner (-13)
(Harehills WMC)
- v - BYE  
Ian Underdown (12)
(Leeds Postal Sports Association Club)
- v - BYE  
Mark Ball (-43)
(Horsforth Conservatives)
- v - BYE  
Jon O'Connell (35)
(Bramley Villagers)
- v - BYE  
Steve Cunningham (9)
(Leeds Anglers Club Leeds)
- v - BYE  
Peter Priestley (31)
(Main Line Social Club)
- v - BYE  
Billy Savage (47)
(Beechwood WMC)
- v - BYE  
Dave French (9)
(Crossgates Recreation Hall)
- v - BYE  
Paul Sparkes (19)
(Morley WMC and Institute)
- v - BYE  
Tim Smith (22)
(Horsforth Conservatives)
- v - BYE  
Dene Stockton Snr (26)
(Rowland Road WMC)
- v - BYE  
Matthew Butler (42)
(New Headingley Club)
- v - BYE  
Stewart Dobson (25)
(Belle Isle WMC)
- v - BYE  
Sam Normanhenney (26)
(New Headingley Club)
- v - BYE  
Karl Briggs (13)
(Crossgates Recreation Hall)
- v - BYE  
Joe Moore (26)
(Rowland Road WMC)
- v - BYE  
Danny Newton (18)
(Northern Snooker Centre)
- v - BYE  
Richard Aspin (31)
(Middleton Conservative Club)
- v - BYE  
Sean Birdsall (28)
(Hunslet Carr Sports & Social Club)
- v - BYE  
Joe Schofield (33)
(Belle Isle WMC)
- v - BYE  
Andy Dilucia (24)
(Leeds Postal Sports Association Club)
- v - BYE  
Karl Hemsley (-1)
(Harehills WMC)
- v - BYE  
Gary Stead (26)
(Denison Hall Club)
- v - BYE  
Wayne Gledhill (5)
(Tinshill & Cookridge Club)
- v - BYE  


Contact Details

Club Player Contact Number
Barnbow Social ClubJames Pears 07746930873
 John Howlett 01132644992
Beechwood WMCDavid Scarlett 07976979340
 Joe Linley 07884581327
 Billy Savage 07900157534
 Ben Smith 07525188058
 Sean McLaughlin 07598386468
Belle Isle WMCJoe Schofield 07507201911
 Shane Waring 07498741895
 David Waring 07506169698
 Paul Gannon 07841629147
 Tony Skinner 07922221971
 Stuart Ough 07791985810
 Paul Whittaker 07894225663
 Tony Fell 07930821366
 Steven Hirst 07840454803
 Gary Barton 07950361158
 Graham Bluff 07900115755
 Craig Hodges 07746085393
 Stewart Dobson 07401583252
 Danny Dobson 07793683604
 Richard Binns 07392825724
Bramley Band ClubMark King 07872832100
 David Wright 07828086132
 Kevin Turner 07787137362
 Martin McGuigan 07388520010
 Charlie McGuigan 07913204652
 Geoff Smith 07388520010
Bramley VillagersRob Johnson 07939419249
 Paul Burrill 07941813462
 Darren Johnson 447825048247
 Jon O'Connell 07951833829
 Craig Wood 07920 795470
 Craig Townend 07863887981
 Mark Battle 07493880216
Bramley WMCAndy Farrally 07925915392
 Adam Winestein 07738174007
 Arron Kerfoot 07592111597
 Stewart Quinn 07751175719
 Steve Pickering 07854309825
Bruntcliffe WMCMichael Sunderland 07976623066
 Mick Crowther 07539691712
Chapel Allerton ClubWinston David 07779741719
 Richard Hagerty 07740145777
Crossgates Recreation HallJason Hudson 07801219344
 Karl Briggs 07934049523
 Steve Tyas 07552621921
 Oliver Hudson 07801219344
 Dave French 07740088188
 Peter Walker 07910767008
 Craig Hazelgrave 07828130333
Crossgates WMCAndy Hickman 07954574323
 John Daniel 07787504594
 Craig Monaghan 07513268213
 Paul Scholes 07759158186
Denison Hall ClubGary Stead 07470716515
 Tony Barker 07977594767
 Ken Mckay 07934031771
 Brian Hussey 075618948341
 Gerry Walton 07788488172
 Dave Tiffany 07875215506
 Simon Hutchinson 07946452339
 Ryan Walton 07561766125
 Anthony Bradley 07952020564
East End Park WMCJames Croll 07718301429
 John Rea 07957297685
Edmund House ClubBen Olbison 07849382085
 James Ball +44 7856 873206
 Stephen Broadhead 07501922405
Garforth WMCMark Smith 07896518230
 David Elmy 70944775387
Gildersome Conservative ClubDanny Byrne 07557653862
 Julian Keegan 07305434730
 Michael Gaughan 07743519076
Guisley Factory Workers ClubPhil King 07478274473
 Andy Blamire 07866776067
Harehills Labour ClubJordan Wikinson 07383567711
 Lee Hart 07758273535
  Kamran Mann 07714274803
 Luca Crompton 07947720080
 Lee Wilson 07578828683
 Adam Rennison 07380464630
 Danny Dean 07940229479
 Harold Oldroyd 07921872494
Harehills Liberal ClubConnor O'Carroll 07936053460
 Paul Davies 07969184007
 Andrew Houlker 07523875310
 Darren Connelly 07548159268
Harehills WMCDave Sutcliffe 07368296404
 Daz Hughes 07508118564
 Karl Hemsley 07939505838
 Michael Calvert 07834523022
 Alan Harding 07799083741
 Anthony Sumner 07473185057
Horsforth ConservativesGreg Taylor 07975710638
 Peter Whincup 07961829731
 Tim Smith 07709895197
 Gary Hobbs 07930506051
 Mark Ball 07482194676
Hunslet Carr Sports & Social ClubSean Birdsall 07717495390
 Thomas Oates 07557791266
Leeds Anglers Club LeedsDarron Smith 07734351021
 Steve Cunningham 07710132806
Leeds Deaf Social ClubPeter O'Connell 07743922854
Leeds Postal Sports Association ClubAndy Dilucia 07716361837
 Andy Mitchell 07734833899
 Warren Rushman 07975619446
 Ian Underdown 07592798701
 Michael Durno 07557044906
Main Line Social ClubGareth Priestley 07584247864
 Peter Priestley 07551270109
Middleton Conservative ClubMark Aspin 07985360035
 Richard Aspin 07754215464
 Phil Buckle 07538557449
 Steve Quigley 07934600717
 Carl Harkin 07984913948
 Steve Gale 07931567753
 Darren Binns 07375020637
 Steve Reynolds 07713729005
 Vinny Parkin 07951693503
 Graham Marsden 07975545179
Moor Allerton Sports and Social ClubHardeep Sur 07838127765
 Raj Rathore 07768 372564
 Malkinder Singh 07812 980412
 Sunny Kanda 07843 007200
Morley Conservative ClubMark McGreavy 07711074888
 Ian Sharp 07736880740
 James Sykes 07870656418
Morley WMC and InstitutePaul Sparkes 07793440772
 Darren Rogers 07518364430
 Murray Przybyl 07795824404
 Lee Dickinson 07455518037
 Daniel Grimes 07736321495
 Paul Grimes 07836258330
 Wayne Woollin 07946534393
 Andy Taffinder 07771 770051
New Headingley ClubMatthew Butler +447725945042
 Sam Normanhenney 07469255562
New Wortley LabourRob Drummond 07878315085
 Josh Becic 07720249622
 Dave McCormack 07870427797
 Aaron Drummond 07368414877
 Michael Collins 07455080220
 Ryan McQuade 07720249622
 Dylan Myers 07594240585
 Oliver Broome 07903469573
Northern Snooker CentreJonathan Todd 07954441425
 Taz Mahmood 07742360816
 Tony Massey 07955808074
 Gavin Godfree 07793015539
 Damien Gale 07947853618
 Pete Raby 07825 267 382
 Darren Hawkins 07900065122
 Liam Pullen 07790 212088
 Sean Stevens 07966044232
 Vince Roy 07850462005
 Ryan Massey 07494863196
 Danny Newton 07740365666
Pudsey Liberal ClubPaul Sigsworth 07948759282
 Mark Laycock 07500836166
 Mark Sims 07933669063
Rothwell WMCIan Rayner 07709426015
Rowland Road WMCCarl Moore 07725343220
 Joe Moore 07305429358
 Liam Nicholson 07518457231
 John Mullen 07521003544
 Leon Browne 07935412341
 Dene Stockton Snr 07956329721
 Robert McDowell 07732893176
 Dave Millward 07455209290
South Leeds Conservative ClubJosh Lucas 07734517892
Swillington Miners WelfareKurtis Walker 07922885601
 Arran Cooper 07399494113
 Jake Bell 07377547744
 Paul Turner 07961030409
Tinshill & Cookridge ClubScott Ward 07555681450
 Robert Lawrence 07908186261
 Scott Pattinson 07584641707
 Martin Golden 07966603595
 Daniel Cowie 07809738770
 Wayne Gledhill 07895113659
 Alan Bennet 07796170063
 Joel Smith 07963580437
Upper & Lower Wortley Lib ClubRobert Popple 07801567527
 Duncan Spence 07837407237
 Gary Popple 07891153634
 Graham Audus 07596954713
 Chris Freeman 07932394452

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