
Sykes Cup

Best of 5 frames off current handicap. Semi-Finals and final played at NSC. Ball v Hart Mon 4th June Gaughan v Farrally Tue 12th June

CLOSING DATE: Final Hart v Gaughan Mom 9th July



Preliminary Fixtures Next Round »

# Team Result v Result Team
A Andy Farrally (24)
(Bramley WMC)
3 v 2 Jason Briggs (9)
(Rothwell WMC)
B Danny Morgan (15)
(Rowland Road WMC)
3 v 1 Daniel Booth (16)
(Belle Isle WMC)
C John Mullen (10)
(Rowland Road WMC)
3 v 1 Jordan Wikinson (-3)
(Crossgates Recreation Hall)
D Ian Rayner (-8)
(Rothwell WMC)
0 v 3 Darren Johnson (18)
(Bramley Villagers)
E David Summerfield (3)
(Swillington Miners Welfare)
0 v 99 Charlie Boyle (12)
(Main Line Social Club)
F Karl Hemsley (-1)
(Harehills WMC)
3 v 1 Mark McGreavy (-3)
(Morley Conservative Club)
G Michael Calvert (21)
(Harehills WMC)
3 v 1 Alan Harding (25)
(Harehills WMC)
H Andrew Hawkridge (51)
(Leeds Deaf Social Club)
3 v 1 Martin Booth (30)
(Rothwell WMC)
I Billy Savage (47)
(Beechwood WMC)
3 v 2 Austin O'Boyle (31)
(East Leeds Snooker Club)
J Les Clay (35)
(Middleton Conservative Club)
3 v 1 Graham Audus (43)
(Upper & Lower Wortley Lib Club)
K Jason Sanderson (36)
(Upper & Lower Wortley Lib Club)
3 v 2 Steven Hirst (-8)
(Belle Isle WMC)
L Lewis Walsh (-28)
(Horsforth Conservatives)
2 v 3 Mark Ball (-43)
(Horsforth Conservatives)
M Paul Turner (43)
(Hunslet Carr Sports & Social Club)
0 v 3 Daniel Cowie (10)
(Tinshill & Cookridge Club)
N Stephen Manners (40)
(Barnbow Social Club)
0 v 3 Lee Craven (7)
(Upper & Lower Wortley Lib Club)
O Phil Morton (-8)
(Horsforth Conservatives)
3 v 1 Richard Nelson (-10)
(East Leeds Snooker Club)
P Sean Stevens (-8)
(New Wortley Labour)
1 v 3 James Pears (-17)
(Barnbow Social Club)
Q John Daniel (32)
(Crossgates WMC)
2 v 3 David Horry (33)
(Barnbow Social Club)
R Anthony Sumner (-13)
(Harehills WMC)
3 v 0 Lee Dickinson (6)
(Horsforth Conservatives)
S Dave McCormack (36)
(New Wortley Labour)
3 v 0 Daniel Wood (39)
(Crossgates WMC)
T Steve Quigley (13)
(The New Middleton Club)
3 v 2 Gary Hobbs (6)
(Horsforth Conservatives)
U Charles Baker (60)
(Leeds Deaf Social Club)
3 v 2 Andrew Heseltine (4)
(New Headingley Club)
V Dave Scarlet (37)
(Beechwood WMC)
3 v 1 Andy Conboy (-8)
(Harehills Labour Club)
W Kris Chapman (16)
(Crossgates Recreation Hall)
3 v 1 Paul Marlow (-5)
(East Leeds Snooker Club)
X Joe Moore (26)
(Rowland Road WMC)
0 v 3 Peter Whincup (14)
(Horsforth Conservatives)
Y Nigel Turner (32)
(Barnbow Social Club)
2 v 3 Peter Clarke (0)
(Corpus Christi Club)
Z Josh Becic (14)
(New Wortley Labour)
2 v 3 Steve Gale (13)
(The New Middleton Club)
AA Anton Joyce (-2)
(East End Park WMC)
1 v 3 Gary Barton (0)
(Belle Isle WMC)
AB Mark Aspin (18)
(Middleton Conservative Club)
2 v 3 Thomas Oates (-9)
(Hunslet Carr Sports & Social Club)
AC Colin Jackson (23)
(The New Middleton Club)
0 v 3 Ady Aveyard (1)
(Rothwell WMC)
AD Leon Browne (45)
(Rowland Road WMC)
3 v 2 Richard Aspin (31)
(Middleton Conservative Club)
AE Carl Moore (16)
(Rowland Road WMC)
3 v 2 Robert Popple (60)
(Upper & Lower Wortley Lib Club)
AF Craig Hodges (24)
(Belle Isle WMC)
3 v 0 Kevin Wilton (28)
(Harehills Liberal Club)
AG Pete Raby (-22)
(Northern Snooker Centre)
3 v 0 Jake Bell (2)
(Swillington Miners Welfare)
AH Daniel Grimes (25)
(Morley WMC and Institute)
2 v 3 Arran Cooper (31)
(Swillington Miners Welfare)
AI Danny Smith (-8)
(Hawksworth Conservative Club)
3 v 0 Jason Hudson (18)
(Crossgates Recreation Hall)
AJ Gareth Rennison (3)
(Harehills Labour Club)
3 v 0 Martin McGuigan (-4)
(Bramley Band Club)
AK Neil Sawyer (33)
(South Leeds Conservative Club)
0 v 3 Steven Hancock (2)
(Leeds Anglers Club Leeds)
AL Bob Patterson (-19)
(Crossgates Recreation Hall)
3 v 1 Paul Metcalf (-11)
(Bramley Band Club)
AM Josh Brady (7)
(Northern Snooker Centre)
3 v 2 Neil Whittaker (20)
(Horsforth Conservatives)
AN David Waring (44)
(Belle Isle WMC)
3 v 0 Craig Wood (15)
(Bramley Villagers)
AO Ian Potter (45)
(Oakwood Parochial & Home Guard Snooker Club)
3 v 2 Joe Linley (53)
(Beechwood WMC)
AP Thomas Clarke (3)
(Corpus Christi Club)
1 v 3 Warren Rushman (-10)
(Leeds Postal Sports Association Club)
AQ Craig Townend (31)
(Bramley Villagers)
3 v 2 James Sykes (17)
(Morley Conservative Club)
AR Malcolm Robertshaw (60)
(Chapel Allerton Club)
0 v 3 Lloyd Harrison (25)
(Rothwell WMC)
AS Phil Buckle (-2)
(The New Middleton Club)
3 v 0 Shane Waring (36)
(Belle Isle WMC)
AT Vinny Parkin (20)
(Middleton Conservative Club)
3 v 1 James Croll (14)
(East End Park WMC)
AU Daniel Hughes (-17)
(Rowland Road WMC)
3 v 2 Charlie McGuigan (36)
(Bramley Band Club)
AV Andy Hickman (31)
(Crossgates WMC)
3 v 1 Chris Freeman (-19)
(Upper & Lower Wortley Lib Club)
AW Karl Briggs (13)
(Crossgates Recreation Hall)
0 v 3 Lee Hart (22)
(Crossgates Recreation Hall)
AX Kurtis Walker (25)
(Swillington Miners Welfare)
2 v 3 Joe Schofield (33)
(Belle Isle WMC)
AY Winston David (24)
(Harehills WMC)
0 v 99 Dave Sutcliffe (11)
(Harehills WMC)
AZ Kyle Brady (14)
(Northern Snooker Centre)
3 v 1 Damien Gale (-12)
(The New Middleton Club)
BA Stewart Quinn (23)
(Bramley WMC)
3 v 2 Greg Taylor (7)
(Horsforth Conservatives)
BB Dave Williams (35)
(Oakwood Parochial & Home Guard Snooker Club)
0 v 3 Gary Popple (19)
(Upper & Lower Wortley Lib Club)
BC Rob Johnson (19)
(Bramley Villagers)
0 v 3 Peter O'Connell (49)
(Leeds Deaf Social Club)
BD Dave French (9)
(Crossgates Recreation Hall)
0 v 3 Darren Binns (6)
(Middleton Conservative Club)
BE Karl Payne (31)
(Harehills WMC)
3 v 2 Ian O'Brien (-15)
(Harehills WMC)
BF Andy Taffinder (1)
(Morley WMC and Institute)
3 v 2 Liam Nicholson (-2)
(Rowland Road WMC)
BG Nick Mortimer (2)
(Bramley Band Club)
0 v 3 John Howlett (51)
(Barnbow Social Club)
BH Richard Hagerty (-11)
(Chapel Allerton Club)
1 v 3 Wayne Gledhill (5)
(Tinshill & Cookridge Club)
BI Paul Shaw (11)
(Upper & Lower Wortley Lib Club)
1 v 3 Paul Turner (34)
(Edmund House Club)
BJ Steven Parlour (6)
(Harehills WMC)
1 v 3 Tony Massey (-33)
(Harehills WMC)
BK Michael Gaughan (-16)
(Gildersome Conservative Club)
3 v 1 Andy Mitchell (20)
(Leeds Postal Sports Association Club)
Steve Reynolds (38)
(Middleton Conservative Club)
- v - BYE  


Contact Details

Club Player Contact Number
Barnbow Social ClubJohn Howlett 01132644992
 Nigel Turner 01132604362
 David Horry 07593531100
 Stephen Manners 07969519896
 James Pears 07746930873
Beechwood WMCJoe Linley 07884581327
 Billy Savage 07900 157534
 Dave Scarlet 07976979340
Belle Isle WMCShane Waring 07498741895
 David Waring 07506169698
 Daniel Booth 07568552778
 Joe Schofield 07507201911
 Gary Barton 07950361158
 Steven Hirst 07840454803
 Craig Hodges 07772577082
Bramley Band ClubPaul Metcalf 07967830671
 Nick Mortimer 07921026146
 Martin McGuigan 07388520010
 Charlie McGuigan 07913204652
Bramley VillagersRob Johnson 07939419249
 Craig Wood 07920795470
 Craig Townend 07863887981
 Darren Johnson 07825048247
Bramley WMCStewart Quinn 07751175719
 Andy Farrally 07925915392
Chapel Allerton ClubRichard Hagerty 07740145777
 Malcolm Robertshaw 07925 082691
Corpus Christi ClubPeter Clarke 07391238964
 Thomas Clarke 07435322685
Crossgates Recreation HallKarl Briggs 07934049523
 Lee Hart 07758273535
 Jason Hudson 07801219344
 Jordan Wikinson 07493338038
 Kris Chapman 07955490062
 Bob Patterson 07913662345
 Dave French 07740088188
Crossgates WMCDaniel Wood 07481105409
 Andy Hickman 07954574323
 John Daniel 07787 504594
East End Park WMCAnton Joyce 07921610266
 James Croll 07718301429
East Leeds Snooker ClubPaul Marlow 07540539082
 Richard Nelson 07428661464
 Austin O'Boyle 07934970147
Edmund House ClubPaul Turner 07961030409
Gildersome Conservative ClubMichael Gaughan 07743519076
Harehills Labour ClubGareth Rennison 07958013803
 Andy Conboy 07581523107
Harehills Liberal ClubKevin Wilton 07812723869
Harehills WMCAnthony Sumner 07473185057
 Karl Hemsley 07469891831
 Alan Harding 07799083741
 Michael Calvert 07834523022
 Tony Massey 07955808074
 Karl Payne 07709215906
 Winston David 07779 741 719
 Dave Sutcliffe 07856553473
 Ian O'Brien 07940652196
 Steven Parlour 07447451182
Hawksworth Conservative ClubDanny Smith 07787574594
Horsforth ConservativesMark Ball 07482194676
 Lee Dickinson 07455518037
 Neil Whittaker 07831231904
 Peter Whincup 07961829731
 Greg Taylor 07975710638
 Gary Hobbs 07930 506051
 Phil Morton 07921 863939
 Lewis Walsh 07971643985
Hunslet Carr Sports & Social ClubThomas Oates 07557791266
 Paul Turner 07502869328
Leeds Anglers Club LeedsSteven Hancock 07753445295
Leeds Deaf Social ClubPeter O'Connell 07743922854
 Charles Baker 07732902410
 Andrew Hawkridge 07714782829
Leeds Postal Sports Association ClubAndy Mitchell 07734833899
 Warren Rushman 07975619446
Main Line Social ClubCharlie Boyle 07967348023
Middleton Conservative ClubDarren Binns 07375020637
 Richard Aspin 07754215464
 Steve Reynolds 07713729005
 Les Clay 07746892541
 Vinny Parkin 07951693503
 Mark Aspin 07712218869
Morley Conservative ClubJames Sykes 07870656418
 Mark McGreavy 07711 074888
Morley WMC and InstituteAndy Taffinder 07771770051
 Daniel Grimes 07736321495
New Headingley ClubAndrew Heseltine 07982903111
New Wortley LabourJosh Becic 07720249622
 Sean Stevens 07966044232
 Dave McCormack 07870427797
Northern Snooker CentrePete Raby 07825 267 382
 Kyle Brady 0797640884
 Josh Brady 07976406884
Oakwood Parochial & Home Guard Snooker ClubDave Williams 07921520363
 Ian Potter 07882088578
Rothwell WMCJason Briggs 07470 459 539
 Ady Aveyard 07818283974
 Ian Rayner 07709426015
 Martin Booth 07917 678 731
 Lloyd Harrison 07933855912
Rowland Road WMCDaniel Hughes 07834569074
 Leon Browne 07935787133
 Carl Moore 07725343220
 Danny Morgan 07486017900
 John Mullen 07521003544
 Liam Nicholson 07518457231
 Joe Moore 07921572621
South Leeds Conservative ClubNeil Sawyer 01132280511
Swillington Miners WelfareJake Bell 07525772979
 David Summerfield 07447421915
 Arran Cooper 07428565809
 Kurtis Walker 07539779360
The New Middleton ClubDamien Gale 07581196939
 Steve Gale 07931567753
 Phil Buckle 07538 557449
 Steve Quigley 07934 600717
 Colin Jackson 07719 588420
Tinshill & Cookridge ClubDaniel Cowie 07809738770
 Wayne Gledhill 07895113659
Upper & Lower Wortley Lib ClubRobert Popple 07801 567527
 Jason Sanderson 07837 898764
 Lee Craven 07557 527029
 Chris Freeman 07932 394452
 Graham Audus 07596 954713
 Paul Shaw 077751 233764
 Gary Popple 07891 153634

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