News & Events

16 Sep 2022**LEAGUE ISSUES**

Welcome to the new season, there has been a few issues with the inputting of results if you cannot submit your result, which all seem to be in the F division please let me know I am aware of some, Rowland Rd C, Northern Snooker Centre F, Beechwood and Pudsey Liberal A please let me know if there are any more that cannot submit their result.

All results in Divisions A to E are now on the website.

If you have any issues/questions or queries regarding ANYTHING to do with the league, please contact me and NOT Bob Patterson.

Paul Grimes LBSO League Secretary.


Just further clarification in regards to the ruling / wording...

You have a maximum of 3 attempts from playing out of a snooker, a FOUL & MISS will be called for the first two attempts, After 3 unsuccessful attempts the non-offending player will have the choice of playing his shot from where the white has landed or asking his opponent to play again.

Again, hope this has erased any further confusion to what I thought was a simple ruling to follow...

15 Sep 2022**Miss Rule Clarification**

Just to clarify after receiving messages from last night fixtures...

If you require snookers when coming to the table and you miss from trying to escape a snooker, or any ball 'on' this 'SHOULD NOT BE CALLED 'FOUL & MISS' as you already need snookers this shouldn't be called in any instance...

If after the 1st or 2nd attempt you miss and consequently therefore need snookers no 'FOUL & MISS' can be called as snookers are required..

Hope that helps with any confusion.

Thanks, Mark Ball

13 Sep 2022**Leeds City Championships - Registrations now open**

Registrations are now open for all the City Championship, Singles, Pairs and Team.

Closing date for all competitions is Sunday 2nd October.

13 Sep 2022**Len Lee Pairs & Sykes Cup - Registrations now open**

Registrations are now open for both Len Lee Pairs and Sykes Cup, please see competition tab for more details.

Closing date for both competitions is Sunday 2nd October

12 Sep 2022**NEW SEASON**

Welcome all to the 2022/23 season, after an extended last season we have managed to start our new season just a week behind our usual September start date.

Welcome to our new teams Corner House Club, Bramley WMC "D" and Hunslet Carr I hope you all enjoy playing snooker within the LBSO and we look forward to you entering the competition's this year, some of which are already open to entries on the website.

Can I give you all a quick reminder about entering the results on time with the deadline being 6pm Saturday following the weekly fixtures.

I trust you all have working login details if not email me and I will reset usernames/passwords. This cannot be done after the fixture I need to know prior to the season start.

If anyone needs scorecards there is a template on the website, click on About Us on the LBSO website and select documents from the drop-down menu where you will find the printable scorecard. Please enter your own team names onto the scorecards so any issues arising can be traced back to the signatory.

Check you have all players you require on your team's profile page and that their handicaps are correct.

You will have hopefully all seen the new ruling as voted on by the delegates at the AGM last Wednesday. Please check the post from the 8th of September which details the ruling, it must be played in its entirety by all teams in the league and competitions with no exceptions.

It was also mentioned that you can email me to update your teams profile page regarding if your club only accepts cash this is a useful addition to help players when travelling to your respective clubs if you would like your profile page updating, please send me an email with your club's payment preferences.

Good luck to all teams for the forthcoming season.

Paul Grimes LBSO League Secretary.

09 Sep 2022**Yorkshire Billiards & Snooker Association Competitions**

For those who may be interested the following YBSA competitions are now open for entry to all LBSO registered players.

Yorkshire Masters (Over 40's)
Yorkshire Under 25'S
Yorkshire Championship Singles.
Yorkshire Championship Pairs.

For details on how to enter please check the competitions tab on YBSA.CO.UK

08 Sep 2022**IMPORTANT - MISS RULE**

At the AGM on Wednesday 7th September a new ruling was voted in by the delegates which affects the snookering element of the Miss Rule and will come into force with immediate effect in both league and competition matches

The new rule states that when snookered, if a player is unsuccessful in getting out of the snooker a Miss WILL be called on the first 3 attempts. (Please note the Miss should be called automatically irrespective of how near or how far the attempt was. This removes the burden on the referee in deciding whether a genuine attempt was made).

If at any point during the first 3 attempts a player reaches the snookers required stage then a Miss shall not be called.

After 3 unsuccessful attempts the non-offending player will have the choice of playing his shot from where the white has landed or asking his opponent to play again.

If after 3 unsuccessful attempts the offending player leaves the white in a position where he is still snookered then he may be asked to play again and the "3 attempt" rule will reset from that position.

If balls need replacing this must be done by the referee / marker and NOT the players
There are 2 main benefits from this rule change-

1/ It acts as an incentive for players to make a genuine effort to hit the ball required when snookered as they could now potentially commit 3 foul strokes rather than just 1.

2/ It allows players to gain more of a benefit from a well laid snooker.

All other elements of the Miss rule remain the same. This rule only affects the snookering part of the rule.

08 Sep 2022**Photos from last night's AGM**

If anyone would like a copy of any of the photos taken by Andy Taffinder last night, give me a shout and I will try and get one over to you.

Paul M 07540539082

08 Sep 2022** Stan Brooke Competitions now open for entry**

Closing date for all 3 comps is Sunday Oct 2nd.

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