News & Events
06 Dec 2022**Leeds City Team Championship - Semi Final Draw**The draw for the semi-final of the Leeds City Team Championship is now live, please see competition tab for more details.
Please note, Semis are over 2 legs, best of 13, first 6 fames at home drawn club then a max of 7 at away drawn club.
Closing date for both legs: Sunday 26th February
This week's handicap review is now complete please click on handicaps from the drop-down menu to view.
New handicaps come into force today if you are involved in competitions, you must play off your new handicap.
The following competitions are open to all LBSO junior players-
All competitions to be played at the Northern Snooker Centre courtesy of our main sponsor-Concept Taverns.
Yorkshire U25. Sunday 11th Dec
Yorkshire U16. Saturday 28th Jan
Leeds U16. Saturday 11th Feb
Leeds U18. Saturday 25th Feb
Yorkshire U19. Saturday 22nd April
Details on the Yorkshire competitions can be found at YBSA.CO.UK.
This week's handicap review is now complete please click on handicaps from the drop-down menu to view.
New handicaps come into force today if you are involved in competitions, you must play off your new handicap.
This week's handicap review is now complete please click on handicaps from the drop-down menu to view.
New handicaps come into force today if you are involved in competitions, you must play off your new handicap.
This week's handicap review is now complete please click on handicaps from the drop-down menu to view.
New handicaps come into force today if you are involved in competitions, you must play off your new handicap.
We are already aware that the league tables are not currently updating following this weeks results. This will hopefully be resolved soon, thank you for your patience!
LBSO Committee
I have had a request to add card or cash payments to club profile pages as players are going to opponents' clubs and are unable to pay by card.
I did ask this at the AGM but had very little to no take up, if you want to add cash or card payments to your profile page email me and I will make the adjustments.
Paul Grimes LBSO League Secretary.
This week's handicap review is now complete click on handicaps from the drop-down menu to view.
New handicaps come into force today if you have any competition matches you must play off your new handicap.
Nobody needs reminding of the adaptation of the WPBSA Foul & Miss rule agreed at last month's AGM on 7th September.
Only 4 out of a total of 45 clubs were absent from the AGM, where those present voted overwhelming to accept the changes to the Foul & Miss rule proposed by Mark Ball.
For those who were not at the AGM to vote against, do not agree with the vote for, or have changed their minds since the AGM - SORRY, THE VOTE FOR THE CHANGES STILL STAND!
Since the AGM, the Committee has now been made aware of at least one instance in a league match, where a player thinks it is okay to make no attempt to get out of the snooker on the 3rd attempt, and play a deliberate intentional foul instead, but only after first checking with the referee that the white wouldn't be replaced.
In a match situation with a NEUTRAL QUALIFIED REFEREE, this COULD result in the frame being awarded to the non-offending team / player(s) for "UNSPORTING CONDUCT", but ONLY after a WARNING has first been given.
However, in a LBSO league match - or any competition tie for that matter - VERY OCCASIONALLY THE REFEREE MAY BE QUALIFIED BUT THE REFEREE IS NEVER NEUTRAL.
Therefore, unless there is a neutral qualified referee officiating at a LBSO league match or competition tie, it is the view of the Committee that THE REFEREE WILL NOT CLAIM THE FRAME FOR ANY "UNSPORTING CONDUCT" TO ALLOW THE FRAME TO BE COMPLETED AS NORMAL & ON EVERY OCCASION.
Apart from the referee's status, this is mainly to allow the League and Competition Secretaries to be able to continue their work on the LBSO without delay or disruption.
INSTEAD & FROM NOW ON, the Committee will take issue with the player who played the intentional foul, on the basis that IF THE PLAYER HADN'T PLAYED THE DELIBERATE FOUL, THE REFEREE WOULD HAVE HAD NO DECISION TO EVEN CONSIDER ABOUT "UNSPORTING CONDUCT".
The player will be issued with a warning initially, and if the same player or any other player from the same team during the same season, is / are reported to the Committee again and for a similar situation, sterner action will be taken at the discretion of the Committee.
At ALL LEVELS, Snooker is dependent on ALL PLAYERS showing integrity & playing in a SPORTING MANNER AT ALL TIMES.
The LBSO Management Committee.